I'm just a girl who dreams
Who doesn't know about the world
But deep inside my heart
I know I am in love and in pain
My heart is slowly being torn apart
But no one belives this little girl
I may be 15, but inside I am much older
I am stronger than most
And know how to find the happimess I always wanted
I know how to fight to show I care
Even though everyone steps on me
I'll prove to everyone just how srtong I am
It's this terrible drug
It totally takes over your life
You can't think of anything
But getting high again
A natural high
It makes you feel so safe
and warm all over
It seems nothing can go wrong
when you are on the drug
It makes all negative things invisible to the user
It is the most addicting one out there
It puts life back into a lifeless person
It puts happiness back into a depressed person
It is LOVE